Attendant Care
The goal of our Financial Aid for Attendant Care Program is to empower people affected by quadriplegia in Northern California to sustain their health, continue their participation in their families and communities, and avoid nursing home placement. We provide ongoing financial support to persons with insufficient resources for homecare so they may obtain stable, competent personal attendant care. The assistance we provide can be used to procure more hours of care or supplement wages, and recipients are responsible for locating and managing their homecare workers. Grants for respite for family caregivers are also given.
To qualify for InSpirit support, persons must require assistance from an attendant with the following activities of daily living: transfers, toileting, dressing, grooming, meal preparation, feeding, household chores, and access to the community. Our ability to offer support is dependent upon our current financial status, and we often have a waiting list of applicants.
InSpirit is not a homecare worker registry. If you are looking for a homecare worker in Marin County, we suggest the following resources:
• IHSS Public Authority of Marin -- 415-499-1024
• Marin Center for Independent Living – 415-459-6245
• West Marin Senior Services -- 415-663-8148
• College of Marin Job Placement -- 415-883-2211
Great tips from a professional personal care attendant for 18 years, has this perspective on the employer/employee relationship.
My Job/Your Job
What keeps me going are mutually respectful, supportive relationships with each of the people I work for.
This is my part:
• To recognize each individual as a human being, not as a patient or a case
• To acknowledge their strengths and needs, not judging them
• To respect their personal space, and of course their personal property
• To remain fully available, both physically and mentally, during work shifts
• No Pity!
In turn, I expect my employers:
• To recognize me as a human being, not as a servant
• To acknowledge my strengths and needs, not judging me
• To respect my personal life, both by asking questions and by knowing when not to
• To express appreciation for my work.
Hannah Joyce
Berkeley, California